IIARI Open Access Books Dr. Ruel F. Ancheta Open Monograph Press <p>This is the <strong>ONLINE BOOK SUBMISSION PORTAL</strong> of the <strong>Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated</strong>. To read more information about the publisher, its background and activities, you can visit the main page <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Please be reminded that the publisher strictly implements double-blind peer review system; thus, full manuscript should NOT contain names and identities of the authors. </p> <p><br />There is NO FAST REVIEW process. All submitted books follow the publication process. You can review the publication guidelines here: <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />The publisher REJECTS submitted papers NOT within its thrust. Ensure that you read the submission guidelines before submission.<br /><br />You can sign in to your account to make your submission. Otherwise, register to create a new acount.</p>